Saturday, 2 July 2016

Journey Through The Enchanted Forest

Credit: deviantArt
Where am I?
Suddenly surrounded,
By strange creatures,
Trees asking me questions,
I've always known,
One day I shall lose my mind.

Creatures; delighted by my presence,
In their eyes, I am odd looking,
Standing in their world,
I suppose it's true,
Irrelevant that they can speak,
It's normal after all.

Flowers that sing,
Swaying back and forth,
Gently blown by the wind,
Dancing while they sing,
Listening intently to the words,
Falling asleep under its spells,
Beautiful yet treacherous.

Logic thrown out the window,
Everything I thought I'd Knew,
No longer applied here,
Starting back to the basic,
Learning everything over again,
Slowly my perceptions change.

What was once strange and weird,
Becoming normal and real,
Journey through enchanted forest,
Without an open mind,
Surely I would not understand.
Instead of adapting, appreciating,
I'd be calling them unpleasant names.

Copyright by Tan Nguyen

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